HR - 11:15a MST - Aug 15th - IN-PERSON ONLY

HR - 11:15a MST - Aug 15th - IN-PERSON ONLY

Magnetize your Impact and Ignite your Inner spark!
Have you ever felt you are pouring from an empty cup? Do you feel you don't have one more ounce to give to anyone, let alone yourself or your business? You try to push yourself harder, yet the more you push, the more drained you feel. Do you feel the desire for MORE, and you can't seem to muster the energy to make it happen?

What if you could learn to tap into endless energy and create an effortless FLOW into your life and business? As women, we cannot operate in the overdrive push mentality. If we do, we will burn ourselves out and have nothing left to give. Instead, we need to find our flow and rhythm in life and our business. To be fully alive and in our power, we must tap into our feminine flow. Instead of pouring from an empty cup, we will learn how to ignite our energy and power to maximize our JOY and IMPACT.

It's time for an upgrade to ignite your life and business to run at optimal levels. There is NOTHING more powerful than a woman that KNOWS her POWER and how to use it to serve herself and the world. It's time to dance to your dreams, sisters.

Are you ready to....

Tap into your inner power and feel the unshakable force within you.
Raise your energy to become a magnetic attractor.
Activate your energy that will propel you forward in your personal and professional life.
Show up and BE SEEN for our authentic gifts?

It's time to RISE and FULLY be ALIVE!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 08-15-2022 11:15 am
Meeting End Date/Time 08-15-2022 1:15 pm
Capacity 25
Registered 22
Remaining Seats Available 3
Location Loan Simple Office Ste 100

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